iTEC Practical & Theory Procedures

iTEC Practical & Theory  Procedures


Some of our Irish centres had iTEC Practical & Theory Examinations due to take place in the coming weeks.

We have agreed to accept Pre-assessments summative practical scores as the official iTEC practical result. These should be sent to your scheduled Examiner via email as soon as it is viable. (In instances that Pre-assessments were not completed by Teachers, this can be done so retrospectively, whereby students attendance, aptitude and overall understanding of the subject area is taken into account and marked on to the Pre-assessment sheet).

This will apply to all qualifications that were due to have a practical Assessment.

This decision has been taken as it won’t be logistically possible to host your 2019 students in September – December 2020.

As part of our Quality Assurance process, we are asking colleges to collate students Treatment evidences, Assignments, Internal MCQs and attendance records in order for our Examination team to sample in the autumn.


Online Theory exams

With changes to the Practical Exams, the following will apply for centres who want to complete the Theory Tests during this time:

Centres will request the numbers of students Logins needed in their particular subject area in the usual way.

An appointed invigilator within the College will conduct overseeing batches of students via Skype or Zoom


  • The centres can firstly set up either by Skype or Zoom


  • Skype– The centre will contact their learners to set up their own skype accounts and ensure they are all active prior to the Exam.


  • Zoom – Colleges would need to set up a zoom account (Charge incurred) however it can accommodate more participants than skype (up to 100) where learners will be sent the meeting details.


  • Colleges can then give the learners the login and password details to each on line script prior to the Exam start time via email, with an instruction to turn Off their sound and to turn on their cameras


For Quality Assurance purposes, a screenshot can be taken of the participants in a Skype or Zoom meeting and signed off by the invigilator, who can invigilate remotely.

iTEC’s invigilation form must be signed and sent back to