Qualifications Portfolio 2019/20 Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifications Portfolio 2019/20 Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

My iTEC qualification is now VTCT (iTEC) – am I switching to a VTCT qualification?

All VTCT (iTEC) qualifications are awarded by VTCT, however, the qualification itself is still iTEC branded.

Does this Portfolio list all iTEC qualifications?

No – this section of the website reflects qualifications for which a change has been made. The rest of our portfolio remains unchanged and is searchable here

New price lists for the full portfolio will be published shortly. We will contact all centres by email once they are live.

When will specifications for new qualifications be available?

All documentation will be available to view by September.

Will the new qualifications have funding approval?

All information on funding is published by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) on the ‘HUB’ website. This can be accessed here

Funding information is constantly being updated and you are advised to check with the HUB regularly for latest details.

Please select the correct ‘Teaching Year’ from the drop-down menu, e.g. 2019/2020 for funding information from September 2019 onwards.

Replaced Qualifications

Do I need to gain approval for the new replacement qualification?


You will be automatically approved to deliver the replacement qualification.

The replacement qualification is at a different level to the one I am delivering now. What does this mean?

The replacement qualification is more industry relevant and is still a regulated qualification, to progress towards further education or direct line of employment. The new level greater reflects the content of the qualification.

The replacement qualification was a Certificate and is now a Diploma (or Award to Certificate etc.) what does this mean?

The replacement qualification is more industry relevant and is still a regulated qualification, to progress towards further education or direct line of employment. The new qualification type reflects the content of the qualification.

Withdrawn Qualifications

When is the registration deadline for qualifications being withdrawn?

All centres will need to have enrolled/registered their learners with iTEC and/or VTCT before the qualification registration end date of 30 September 2019. After that date, registrations will only be able to be made against replacement qualification where applicable.

To ensure learners are supported throughout the withdrawal process, after the registration end date of 30 September 2019, there will be a period of time where learners can still complete the qualification and claim a certificate. This period of time before the certification end date will depend on the level of the qualification, which is listed below:

  • Level 1 – 30 September 2020
  • Level 2 – 30 September 2021
  • Level 3 and above – 30 September 2022